Subodh Kumar & Associates, a division of StrategeInvest Inc.


StrategeInvest’s independent consultancy operates as Subodh Kumar & Associates. The views represented are those of the analyst at the date noted. They do not represent investment advice for which the reader should consult their investment and/or tax advisers. Any hyperlinks are for information only and not represented as accurate. E.o.e. The value of investments may fluctuate up and down in value. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Our reports and documents may contain forward-looking statements or forecasts. Such forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Our commentary is not intended to, and does not, constitute an offer or solicitation to buy and sell securities or engage in any investment activity. Our reports are only for informational purposes with recommendations not made with respect to any particular investor or type of investor globally. Securities, financial instruments or strategies mentioned herein may not be suitable for all investors and do not take into account an investor’s particular investment objectives, financial situations or needs. Investors should seek independent financial and or tax advice regarding the suitability and/or appropriateness of making an investment or implementing the investment strategies discussed in our commentary or reports. Our commentaries and reports are as of their publication date with specific information that may no longer be current. There is no intention to update the commentary/report and should not be used to make an investment decision.

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